Early treatment of scoliosis is very important. ^^;

Thank you for visiting our site. This is Atsushi.


Over the past few days, patients with scoliosis have been coming to our clinic.
As a trend, many of them are young women.
I know this because I had scoliosis as a child, and as the condition progresses, back pain and other symptoms gradually interfere with daily life.


Symptoms do not appear suddenly, so they tend to be neglected, but treating them as soon as possible can make a big difference in future quality of life.


If you are suffering from any of these symptoms now, please visit our clinic.
We will help you improve your condition with our unique technique, FFT (Fascial Friction Technique).
We look forward to seeing you at our clinic. ^^




The clinic has an English-speaking staff available.
The treatment with English is available only on Saturdays and Sundays.
For inquiries or appointments in English, please send it by email.


Mail : ofunaekimaeseitai@gmail.com