Decreased blood flow can cause cold. ^^;

Thank you for visiting our site. This is Atsushi.


There are many causes of cold, but adhesions in muscles and fascia can also cause cold due to poor blood flow.
Poor blood circulation is said to be the root of all illnesses, and it can cause serious problems in the body, including inadequate oxygen and nutrient supply, delayed elimination of waste products, decreased immune function, and increased muscle and joint pain.
Women, in particular, suffer from cold symptoms because of their thin blood vessels.


The most important feature of our unique technique, FFT (Fascial Friction Technique), is to release fascial adhesions and improve blood flow in the body.
By improving blood flow, various physical problems, including coldness, can be improved.
Please come to our clinic and experience the effects of FFT on your own body.
We look forward to seeing you at our clinic. ^^




The clinic has an English-speaking staff available.
The treatment with English is available only on Saturdays and Sundays.
For inquiries or appointments in English, please send it by email.


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