Skeletal correction is to return the bones to their proper position. ^^

Thank you for visiting our site. This is Atsushi.


What do you imagine when you hear the word “skeletal correction”?
Is it the kind of treatment that rattles the bones?
The word “correction” may sound scary, but at our clinic, correction means removing adhesions of fascia and muscles and returning the bones to their proper position.


Skeletal distortion is often caused by deformation of the bones themselves, but in most cases it is caused by misalignment of the bones from their normal position or reduced range of motion due to adhesions of fascia or muscles.
Skeletal distortion can cause a variety of ailments associated with pain, poor breathing, and deteriorated posture.


Skeletal distortions caused by adhesions of fascia and muscles can be significantly improved by treatment. However, if the distortion is left untreated for a long period of time, the bones themselves will become distorted, making improvement difficult except through surgery.


If you feel any distortion in your body, please visit our clinic immediately without leaving it unattended.
Our unique FFT (Fascial Friction Technique) improves the distortion of the body in the shortest possible time.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our clinic. ^^




The clinic has an English-speaking staff available.
The treatment with English is available only on Saturdays and Sundays.
For inquiries or appointments in English, please send it by email.


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