FFT treatment is effective in improving sports performance. ^^

Thank you for visiting our site. This is Atsushi.


When people hear about FFT treatment, they tend to think of it as a place to go when they feel unwell, but it can also help prevent injury and discomfort and improve physical performance.


FFT treatment can improve blood flow, breathing, muscle flexibility, and increase the range of motion of joints.
These improvements can lead to better performance in sports and an improved quality of life, not only in sports but also in normal life.


If you come to our clinic, our unique FFT (myofascial friction technique) will help you improve your physical performance in the shortest possible time.
We look forward to seeing you at our clinic. ^^




The clinic has an English-speaking staff available.
The treatment with English is available only on Saturdays and Sundays.
For inquiries or appointments in English, please send it by email.


Mail : ofunaekimaeseitai@gmail.com